Liudas Mockūnas – Arnas Mikalkėnas – Hakon Berre (LT/NO)
2019 / 05 / 19
MAMA Studios
Liudas Mockūnas – klarnetai, saksofonai
Arnas Mikalkėnas -foterpijonas
Hakono Berre – mušamieji
Arnas Mikalkėnas -foterpijonas
Hakono Berre – mušamieji
2013 m. L. Mockūno iniciatyva suburtas trio sugrįžta į Vilnių. 2014 m. trijulė apkeliavo Lietuvą, Estiją, Norvegiją ir Čekiją, o pasirodymo „Vilnius Jazz“ festivalyje medžiaga tapo kritikų palankiai įvertinta kompaktine plokštele „Plunged“. Paskutinį kartą Liudo, Arno ir Hakono trio pasirodė 2017 m. „Vilnius Mama Jazz“ festivalyje. Gegužės 11 d. trio sugrįžta!
Renowned Lithuanian saxophonist Liudas Mockūnas put in 2013 together a new trio that connects
the Norwegian/Danish and Lithuanian modern jazz scene. Mockūnas has for many years been one of the most important avantgarde musicians from the Baltic region, with a wide range of collaborations across Europe. On piano and accordion, we have Arnas Mikalkėnas who is one of the most promising improvisers from the younger generations of musicians from Lithuania. The last member of the trio is Norwegian drummer Håkon Berre, who has been residing in Denmark during the last 15 years and has worked with Mockūnas in several contexts such as the noise trio Angel, and with the free jazz trio Peter Friis Nielsen Kalas.
the Norwegian/Danish and Lithuanian modern jazz scene. Mockūnas has for many years been one of the most important avantgarde musicians from the Baltic region, with a wide range of collaborations across Europe. On piano and accordion, we have Arnas Mikalkėnas who is one of the most promising improvisers from the younger generations of musicians from Lithuania. The last member of the trio is Norwegian drummer Håkon Berre, who has been residing in Denmark during the last 15 years and has worked with Mockūnas in several contexts such as the noise trio Angel, and with the free jazz trio Peter Friis Nielsen Kalas.
The trio focuses on original material written by Mockūnas and Mikalkėnas, and can be characterized as modern chamber jazz with inspiration from contemporary classical music and free jazz. The compositions have a transparent structure where the rhythmic and melodic templates provide a starting point for a very open kind of improvisation.
In October 2014 the trio played a 2week tour with concerts in Lithuania, Estonia, Norway and the Czech Republic. The tour included a festival concert at Vilnius Jazz Festival, which was recorded. The recording resulted in the CD “Plunged”; an honest and accurate documentation of the trio’s work.
Improdimensija Orchestra