Christoph Baumann – Liudas Mockūnas Duo (Switzerland, Lithuania)
2018 / 03 / 15
MAMA studios
Christoph Baumann – fortepijonas
Liudas Mockūnas – saksofonai, klarnetai
christoph baumann piano
He grew up with western classical music and is also deeply rooted in the percussive idioms of contemporary jazz and afrocuban music. His artistic work is oscillating between the poles outgoing improvisation and composition, and he but likes to question the granted positions with humor and absurdity. As a pianist and in particular as a composer he assumes stimulating or critical stances by means of playfully confronting and fusing attitudes and mentalities. His pervading interest to bring different musical stiles into a dramatical context is particularly evident in his big speciality, to taylor his composed and improvised music tightly to theatre and radio plays, dance, films and his three speech-operas. Baumann teaches at the Music Universities of Lucerne and Bern and performs internationally with a big variety of soloists and ensembles. Since the late 70s he is noted for unconventional projects such as the Jerry Dental Kollekdoof, the Latin-experimental band Mentalities, Cadavre Exquis, Baumann Large Ensemble, Afro Garage and Hausquartett.
His musical work is well documented on CDs.
Is the leader of the Latin-experimental band Mentalities, the Baumann-Hämmerli-Sextett (with Hämi Hämmerli)and the tentet Cadavre Exquis. (with Urs Blöchlinger )With Jacques Siron he is working with the trio Afro Garage, Nuit Balte and the septet Rouge Frisé & Acide 7.
Wrote three „Sprechopern“ „Attinghausen“, „ds Grais“, „Hinter den sieben Bergen“
He has played with Joe Malinga, Benny Wallace, Tom Scott, Dave Taylor, Tom Varner, Urs Blöchlinger, Martin Schlumpf, Hämi Hämmerli, Marco Käppeli, Jacques Siron, Dieter Ullrich, Doro Schürch, Tini Hägler, Runo Eriksson, Petras Vyshniauskas, Didier Levallet, Ramon Lopez, Laurent Dehors, Gian Luigi Trovesi, Lucilla Galeazzi, Conrad Bauer, Matthias Ziegler, Hans Kennel, Jonas Tauber, Les Passeurs d’ Instants, Omnibus, Nuevo Sabor, Picason, Swiss-Fusion, Bermuda Viereck, Orchestre National de Jazz de La France , La Marmite Infernale, Schweizer Schlagzeugensemble, No Secrets in the Family, Swiss Improvisers Orchestra, Hausquartett, Potage de Jour, Ton 3, Neal Davis Sextett.
Wrote three „Sprechopern“ „Attinghausen“, „ds Grais“, „Hinter den sieben Bergen“
He has played with Joe Malinga, Benny Wallace, Tom Scott, Dave Taylor, Tom Varner, Urs Blöchlinger, Martin Schlumpf, Hämi Hämmerli, Marco Käppeli, Jacques Siron, Dieter Ullrich, Doro Schürch, Tini Hägler, Runo Eriksson, Petras Vyshniauskas, Didier Levallet, Ramon Lopez, Laurent Dehors, Gian Luigi Trovesi, Lucilla Galeazzi, Conrad Bauer, Matthias Ziegler, Hans Kennel, Jonas Tauber, Les Passeurs d’ Instants, Omnibus, Nuevo Sabor, Picason, Swiss-Fusion, Bermuda Viereck, Orchestre National de Jazz de La France , La Marmite Infernale, Schweizer Schlagzeugensemble, No Secrets in the Family, Swiss Improvisers Orchestra, Hausquartett, Potage de Jour, Ton 3, Neal Davis Sextett.
Improdimensija Orchestra