ContemPLAY festival-workshop: Mockūnas-Mikalkėnas-Berre trio
Liudo, Arno ir Håkono trio atlieka ir pakankamai griežtai komponuotus kūrinius, tačiau pernai rudenį įvykęs trio turas Japonijoje atskleidė ypač charakteringą šio kolektyvo improvizacinį pradą. Muzikantai su lyg kiekvienu koncertu nėrė į dar neatrastus, spontaniškus muzikinius ieškojimus ir nusimetė nuo pečių sunkius kompozicinius rėmus. Būtent toks laisvės pliūpsniais alsuojantis trio lips į „ContemPlay“ festivalio sceną.
February 6 “Improdimensija” will present 2013 to the audience of “ContemPlay” festival. born of the trio of Liudas Mockūnas, Arnas Mikalkēnas and Håkon Berre. In 2017, the trio released their debut album “Plunged”, which was highly rated by music critics, where listeners heard compositions composed by L. Mockūnas and A. Mikalkėnas with a considerable dose of Scandinavian improvisation.
The trio of Liudas, Arnas and Håkon also perform fairly strictly composed pieces, but the trio’s tour in Japan last autumn revealed a particularly characteristic improvisational beginning of this collective. With almost every concert, the musicians dived into undiscovered, spontaneous musical quests and threw off heavy compositional frameworks from their shoulders. That’s the kind of trio full of bursts of freedom that will take to the stage of the ContemPlay festival.