Quark Effect: Kornelijus Pukinskis/Matas Samulionis/Dominykas Snarskis
kiekviena originali „Lunar Soil“ kompozicija buvo perdirbta į naują elektroninį skambesį. Remiksus kūrė
Lietuvos elektroninės muzikos kūrėjai bei atlikėjai „Artfcl“, „Phun Thomas“ bei „Smpl Smpl“.
mokslo, nuo lengvų dronų iki intensyvių „riksmų“,nuo akustinio iki skaitmeninio garsyno. Tokiu būdu kiekvienas atlikimas yra vis kitokių vietoje atliekamų pasirinkimų padarinys, leidžiantis klausytojui kiekvieną kartą pajusti vis kitą tam tikro kūrinio briauną.
arba įsigyti prieš koncertą.
Vietų skaičius itin ribotas.
studentams, moksleiviams ir senjorams – 7 Eur (perkant bilietą vietoje).
The ensemble was originally founded in Scotland, where they recorded and released their debut album “Lunar Soil” (electronics – Ronan Whittern). Following the release of the album, the band initiated the Lunar Soil (Remixed) remix album, where every original Lunar Soil composition has been reworked into a new electronic sound. Created remixes
Lithuanian electronic music creators and performers “Artfcl”, “Phun Thomas” and “Smpl Smpl”.
Having changed the line-up at the moment, the group is also looking for new sounds. Although “Quark Effect” draws ideas from Experimental, Avant-Garde, Post-Punk, Free Jazz music styles in their work, the final sound of a specific piece can vary every time, since the main engine of this trio is improvisation. “Quark Effect” boldly varies in its musical language from maximum freedom to strict synchronization, from art to
science, from light drones to intense “screams”, from acoustic to digital speakers. In this way, each performance is the result of different choices made on the spot, allowing the listener to experience a different edge of a given piece each time.
The concert is partially supported by the Lithuanian Culture Council.
The event will take place in the premises of Mama studio at Mickevičius 29, Vilnius, you can reserve your seats in advance by calling +370 617 13377, e-mail by mail tickets@improdimensija.lt,
or purchase before the concert.
The number of places is extremely limited.
The ticket price is 10 EUR,
for students, schoolchildren and seniors – 7 Eur (when buying a ticket on the spot).